Posts Tagged ‘Warren’

Finding the Warren Review

I know we have fallen behind on our reviews but the end of the semester means busier schedules.  I also know the band I am reviewing is no longer together, but I feel like these guys still have amazing music and should be looked into.  Finding the Warren is a band out of Des Moines, IA.  I first saw these guys when I went to go see Cute is What We Aim For.  Turns out CIWWAF didn’t show up but I saw Every Avenue and this amazing band, Finding the Warren.  It was exciting to know these guys came from the heart of my home state and were performing with performing with such big bands.  The thing that really stood out for these guys to me was their keyboard sound.  The whole band is full of energy and gets you pumped right away.  They have an EP you can listen to on their Myspace.  My favorite song by these guys has been Tonight Ends with a Bang.  These guys have a great sound and I wish they were still making music.  Let us know other bands you like that aren’t together anymore.  Maybe with enough support they’ll get back together!
